The game begins in the film’s final scene, with Tony Montana’s (Andre Sogliuzzo) mansion being raided by Alejandro Sosa’s assassins. But this is the point of divergence from the film. Instead of being killed by the Skull, Tony manages to [...]
The Great Stroke-Off! ## Description This game is made with the AGS engine and is an ATC (Adventure Team Challenge) Winner. Ned has taken on a summer job at his Uncle Ernie’s “Stickz & Ballz”amusement park. Ned’s uncle recited [...]
The 9th core Atelier game and the first of the two Mana Khemia games. The game’s main focus is on the lead protagonist, Vayne Aurelius, the son of a legendary alchemist named Theofratus who had disappeared sometime after Vayne’s birth. Since [...]
Somewhere deep within the Andromeda Galaxy lies the Algol Star System. The parent star, Algol (referred to as "Algo" by this point in the timeline), has three planets orbiting about it. First is Palm ("Palma"), the home of the government. Governors, [...]
“Hironobu Sakaguchi, the Father of the Final Fantasy series, and Artoon present the world of Blue Dragon on Xbox 360. Featuring the character design of Akira Toriyama, the Father of “Dragon Ball Z”, and music by Nobuo Uematsu, the [...]