FarmVille 2[edit] On June 26, 2012, FarmVille 2 was unveiled,[25] and was subsequently released in September 2012. It differs from the original FarmVille in a number of ways: Graphics are more animated and in perspective projection, rather than the [...]
Spin Jam is a puzzle game that involves aiming colored bubbles at flower petals. When three bubbles are united with their respective colored petal, the petal will burst. When all petals burst, you’ve defeated the level. Arcade mode is one of three [...]
Cannon Fodder is a military-themed action game with strategy and shoot 'em up elements. The player controls a small squad of up to five soldiers. These soldiers are armed with machine guns which kill enemy infantry with a single round. The player's troops [...]
Worms World Party is an artillery game, which is a type of Turn-based strategy game. Like its predecessors, Worms World Party involves controlling a team of worms and using a collection of weaponry to eliminate the opposing team(s). The worms can walk and [...]
Protect your cornfields and lock up your livestock, because FLOCK is here! Pilot a UFO around vibrantly-colored landscapes in this charming sandbox puzzle game where you must herd animal life back to the Motherflocker. Using a powerful physics engine that [...]
Spiritual Warfare is a Zelda-like overhead action game You’re a soldier in the army of the Lord. Explore the regions of a modern city as you attempt to collect the full armor of God. Along the way, you’ll encounter villainous characters and [...]
The townsfolk tell you that a woman named Julia has gone missing. You venture out into the cave just beyond the village looking for her. You’re given a knife to protect yourself. What you find there may surprise you.