A year after the first No One Lives Forever, tensions are rising between United States and Soviet Union over the tiny, but strategic Isle of Khios. Jones, now the sole Commander of U.N.I.T.Y. (after Smithy was discovered to be a H.A.R.M. spy in the first [...]
In March 2006, the United States has established a military presence in the newly-independent country of East Timor to train the East Timorese military in their fight against anti-separatist Indonesian guerrilla militias. Foremost among these militias is [...]
Gravity Bone is a freeware first-person adventure video game developed by Brendon Chung under his studio, Blendo Games, and released in August 2008. The game employs a modified version of id Software’s id Tech 2 engine—originally used for Quake [...]