Spellbreaker is an interactive fiction computer game written by Dave Lebling and released by Infocom in 1985, the third and final game in the “Enchanter Trilogy”. Like most of Infocom’s games, it was released for many of the time’s [...]
In the third game of the adventure game series Zork, you are once again a nameless adventurer, only this time you won’t travel through a beautiful magical land, but are immediately cast into a deep dungeon. Like in a dream, you hear a mysterious [...]
You must save the planet above by repairing the Complex you are frozen within. You must do it before they arrive to shut you down. And you must do it not with your own hands, but with those of your robots.
Tour the world and ride open and interactive terrain through 12 levels of real-world skate spots from your hometown to New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco and international hotspots in the UK and Germany. The open-nature of the courses allow for constant [...]
Wishbringer: The Magick Stone of Dreams is an interactive fiction computer game written by Brian Moriarty and published by Infocom in 1985. It was intended to be an easier game to solve than the typical Infocom release and provide a good introduction to [...]