Squids Odyssey is a unique mix of action strategy and RPG: build your team of Squid heroes for epic turn-based battles against corrupted crabs and shrimps! Steev, Vahine and the rest of the Squids are in danger! An infectious black ooze is corrupting [...]
Somewhere deep within the Andromeda Galaxy lies the Algol Star System. The parent star, Algol (referred to as "Algo" by this point in the timeline), has three planets orbiting about it. First is Palm ("Palma"), the home of the government. Governors, [...]
The year is 4001. The evil Luna has stolen a time machine and plans to use it to take over the world. You are the Time Gal, a skillful and pretty scientist, and your mission is to chase Luna through different time periods, to get the time machine back, [...]
An engineer named Franco Delile and his partner Sarah are called to fix an elevator on the Sprawl (a space station of a shard of Titan, one of Saturn's moons that was "planet-cracked"), only to discover evidence of sabotage. They are then called to fix a [...]
"Growing up as a second class citizen on a back-water planet, Yuri dreamed of being able to travel the stars. After many years he saved up enough credits to buy transport off the planet, but space travel is forbidden to second class citizens, and he is [...]