Tortuga: Two Treasures ## Description _Tortuga: Two Treasures_ is a pirate-themed action adventure game. Players take the role of Thomas “Hawk” Blythe, captain of the _Hawkwind_ , his 18th century frigate. Hawk is a swashbuckling rascal very [...]
Treasure Adventure Game is a freeware open-world, platform adventure game developed by Stephen Orlando. It includes a 1 hour original sound-track composed by Robert Ellis
Sindbad Mystery is an arcade game developed by Sega for Sega G80 (raster) hardware in 1983. It was ported to the SG-1000 in the same year. It follows a boy named Sindbad who must avoid monsters while piecing together a treasure map, similar to Pac-Man. He [...]
Age of Pirates: Caribbean tales is a completely fully featured pirate-based role playing adventure game. Offering a rich gaming experience with deep character development and extensive open ended quests,Age of Pirates is truly the most advanced and fully [...]
Florensia is a Free-to-Play MMORPG and with it´s 3D anime style the game shows you its legendary worlds ashore and at sea. Mysterious islands, the great ocean, dungeons, picturesque pirates and dangerous monsters are waiting to be discovered.
Age of Sail II simulates naval warfare from 1775 to 1820 with a real-time 3-D sailing and combat model. Over 1,200 historical ships and 100 historical American and British scenarios are available, including: Copenhagen, the Battle of the Nile, Trafalgar, [...]
America’s Cup Challenge The Official America’s Cup Sailing Simulation (aka Arnie’s America’s Cup Challenge, America’s Cup Challenge) was an above-average licensed title in its time. Play against the AI or one of your friends. [...]