This sixth installment in the Ace Combat series is a prequel to Ace Combat 5 that tells about the Belkan War eluded to in Unsung War. The story is told through the eyes of a reporter, 15 years after the altercation, uncovering secrets about the Belkan War [...]
Get your booty on the floor for Dance Dance Revolution X2. Licensed master tracks from some of today’s hottest acts will make DDR X2 one for gamers old and new. Debuting in X2 is the unique Dice Master Mode, where players roll the dice to receive a [...]
TVDJ is an action/rhythm game that was only released in Japan by SCEI. An impressive early PS2 game, it has cel-shaded graphics and is fully voice acted. Unfortunately, the game is only a a handful of short 5-minute stages that end up feeling more like a [...]
The game is set on the fictional Suthon Island. It is said to hold the power to protect the world from harm, which it was protected by a large palm tree and watched over by the nature spirits in the island. Before the game, the antagonist, Omminus, takes [...]
Silent Bomber is an old school style game which takes place in the future. You play as a character named Jutah Fate, a genetically engineered man created by the government. You’re an expert at using bombs. You start out being able to set only a few [...]