“Contradiction is an interactive crime drama game that uses live-action video for the entirety of the game play. It’s a brand new take on the concept of an interactive movie and brings the genre to a whole new level of playability. Contradiction [...]
Glamour Life Stuff is the second “stuff pack” for The Sims 2. It was officially announced on July 13, 2006 and was released on August 31, 2006. As the title suggests, this pack focuses on “the glamorous life”, and adds a series of [...]
In addition to play by the original rules, Clue has an additional mode that allows movement via “points.” Each turn begins with nine points and every action the player takes costs points. The player can only do as many things as he has points. [...]
Give your teen Sims everything they need to express their unique style with The Sims 2 Teen Style Stuff, featuring all-new, unique furniture, decor items, fashions and more with three distinct themes-“Goth,” “Thrasher,” and [...]