Leo and his brothers, Max and Fred, one day discover they are from a faraway planet called Nemithia that is currently at war with Drakia, a planet filled with corrupted beings from several planets whose only purpose is to conquer the whole galaxy, Leo and [...]
You find yourself in an unfamiliar land and try to discover how you got here and how you can return home. However, you soon realize this place invites you to ask much bigger questions.
Trip the Ark Fantastic is a 2D story-driven adventure set in the Animal Kingdom, a fable world filled with alluring vistas, colorful characters and, unexpectedly, scholarly debates. You are Charles, a hedgehog scholar with a mission. You and your [...]
A mobile game mixing gatcha, match-3 and RPG elements. Recruit heroes, compose your team, and go on an adventure to defeat monsters and bosses by combining elements to generate attacks and mana for powerful combos. Raids & Puzzles: RPG Quest
Defend the most dangerous and gorgeous (we say darngeous) dungeons as four plucky heroes with this unique combo of tower-defense gameplay, ability-based action RPG combat, ever-lasting endgame loot, couch co-op, and online multiplayer. Experience the [...]