The game's storyline is the earliest in Zelda continuity, preceding The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap. Skyward Sword follows an incarnation of the series protagonist Link who was raised in a society above the clouds known as Skyloft. After his closest [...]
Tokimeki Memorial is the first in the long-running series of dating sims by Konami which started life on the PC Engine. Released in 1994, it boosted the popularity of the dating sim genre in Japan immensely.
Harvest Moon: Animal Parade offers more traditional Harvest Moon gameplay for the Nintendo Wii, and features a range of exotic animals for you to interact with.
In this newest title, the feelings such as “preserving one’s faith”, “saving their precious ones” and the destiny of raising the storm between three countries which form the setting, are portrayed. The PS3 version shows the [...]
Paper Mario is probably best described as an RPG platformer. Mario travels through various lands, from desert to rainforest, on land, water and air, platformer style, jumping on objects, breaking blocks, and uncovering hidden items. But he interacts with [...]