Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days revolves around Roxas, the “other” hero from Kingdom Hearts II. Players follow Roxas through his days among Organization XIII’s ranks, unraveling the events that took place during the year that Sora was asleep, [...]
You have been invited to attend a magical school. You can make new friends, learn spells, face exams, run for class office, and try to find a date for the May Day Ball.
Sono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke o: Kuchibiru to Kiss de Tsubuyaite is an adult visual novel and the sixth game in the Sono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke o series of games. It follows the heroines from the first Sono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke o game, Yuna and Nanami, as [...]
TRUST NO ONE BUT YOURSELF as you adventure into the dark world of espionage amidst the volatile atmosphere of impending war. As a double agent, you must find clever ways to pit enemy factions against each other while eluding pursuers in each of your [...]
In this visual novel, after multiple tragedies that affect the main character’s life, players must deal with the anxiety their losses bring, while still trying to find happiness through many different choices as the novel unfolds.
Yu-No is a story of time-travel, romance, and what makes a family. Released in 1996, it was an important milestone for the visual novel and adventure game genres in Japan. It was written and produced by the late Hiroyuki Kanno, with music composed by the [...]