Set in the fantasy world of Spira, the game’s story revolves around a group of adventurers and their quest to defeat a rampaging monster known as Sin. The player character is Tidus, a blitzball star who finds himself in Spira after his home city of [...]
The Government has covered up the greatest secret of the 20th century. Tex doesn’t like secrets. It’s April 2043 and you- as Tex Murphy, the last of the old-style gumshoes- find yourself racing against time in the most dangerous game of your [...]
Tales of Destiny is a follow-up to Tales of Phantasia. Like its predecessor, it has the structure of traditional Japanese role-playing games, but substitutes turn-based combat for action-oriented one. Battles take place on separate side-scrolling screens [...]
Neverwinter Nights 2 (NWN2) is a computer role-playing game set in the fantasy world of the Forgotten Realms, one of the popular campaign settings of Dungeons and Dragons. It takes the player from the tiniest of villages into a sweeping tale of danger and [...]
"The island of Ovis, located to the west of the continent of Galicia, has been under the rule of the Holy Lodis Empire for the last 15 years, and its inhabitants have been forced to convert to Lodisism. Although the southern region, Anser, initially [...]
When a new website that shows the manner of people’s deaths in advance makes the rounds amongst Japanese high schoolers, a trio of students is shocked to witness their own deaths in a terrible subway accident just minutes away. They narrowly escape [...]