Tales of the Abyss will follow the story of the young aristocrat, Luke fon Fabre. Kidnapped seven years ago, Luke returns to his family with no memories of his life before. Suddenly, Luke is thrust into the outside world and caught in the workings of the [...]
11eyes: Tsumi to Batsu to Aganai no Shōjo 11 Eyes: Tsumi to Bachi to Aganai no Shoujo is an Adventure game, developed and published by Lass, which was released in Japan in 2008. Franchise: 11 Eyes It takes about 11 hours to complete this game. Difficulty [...]
Between the worlds of light and dark lies the world of dram. A world where the rule of reason loosens its grip. A place where an insidious evil is stealing minds and blackening the hearts of those from the world of light. Grab a weapon and become the [...]
A Stock Market/life-sim game where the player must manage their stocks in order to achieve a happy life. It was developed by SOFEL for the NES and released in Japan only. The Money Game is a stock market simulation game where the goal is to raise money [...]
Restricted to an abandoned mansion on the outskirts of London in fulfillment of a promise to her father, lonely Cardia lives day to day isolated from the world. Her body carries a deadly poison that rots or melts anything her skin touches, prompting the [...]
The month is June – the time when high school girls change into their summer uniforms.
Azumi Risa, who has now moved on to her second year of high school, has been hearing around campus that the new freshmen are bubbling over with excitement over the [...]