Two college students, Rick Taylor and Jennifer Willis, take refuge from a storm in West Mansion, a local landmark known as "Splatterhouse" for the rumors of hideous experiments purportedly conducted there by Dr. West, a renowned and missing [...]
Harvest Moon DS Cute (牧場物語コロボックルステーションforガール bokujō monogatari korobokkuru sutēshon for gāru?) is the female version of Harvest Moon DS for the Nintendo DS. It was published and developed by Marvelous Interactive Inc., and first released in Japan on [...]
It’s been a year since Semyon returned from “Sovyonok” and met the girls from the camp in the real world. But it’s New Year at hand! And it needs to be celebrated! “Frosty Kiss” is a tiny piece of this holiday that will [...]
The protagonist takes a nap one day during the Queen Examination. She overhears her rival, Rosalia, rushing to meet with the Sacred Guardians for a tea party. Wishing to attend herself, the protagonist pursues her and falls into a giant hole. She lands [...]
C-So! is a platform game in which you control a man that has to collect items like flowers, apples and cherries, while he is being chased by hostile monsters. The monsters must be crushed or hurled against the ceiling by using a hand spike. Each level [...]