Live the adventures of a genius inventor robot named Rodney Copperbottom as he moves to the big city to work for the company founded by his childhood hero. When Rodney uncovers a villain’s plot to take over the city, the brave young bot, with the [...]
Based on the popular PlayStation2 title, Zone of the Enders: The Fist of Mars is a 2-D, turn-based strategy game in which players take control of an army of trucks, tanks, fighters, and giant anime-styled robots, called LEVs, to fight for liberation as [...]
Episode I begins as Pioneer II arrives at Ragol, attempting to land and begin colonizing the new planet. While preparing to land, a huge explosion rocks the surface of Ragol, causing all connection with the first colony down below, Pioneer I, to be lost. [...]
In 2084, man creates a species of super-advanced cyborgs known as Robotrons. Recognizing the imperfect nature of their creators, the Robotrons conclude that the inefficient human race must be exterminated. In Robotron: 2084, only you and a single family [...]
Like most families, the Sandersons bicker about money and cleaning. Unlike most families, though, they also have robotic spiders, aliens, and talking toys to worry about. Enter Chibi-Robo, a tiny robot programmed to spread happiness. Join him on his quest [...]
MicroMan is the victim of a top-secret experiment that went terribly wrong.
Wearing a special weapons suit, Bob Jones voluntarily stepped into the Molecular Miniaturizer created by Dr. Schnapps. The doctor turned on the power and the miniaturization [...]