Mobile Suit Gundam: Journey to Jaburo is an action game based directly on the Mobile Suit Gundam films and series. The game begins at the start of the series and ends at the ending of the second film. The game plays in an action game format with a [...]
The story is that in the far future, humans colonized many planets and established a form a biotechnology, which were sentient beings called Compuminds, which could communicate rapidly from world to world. The game's villain had shut down all the [...]
Whatever path Kyle Katarn chooses will change the face of the galaxy forever. Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II continues the story of Kyle Katarn, a young mercenary that successfully infiltrated the Empire, as he embarks on a quest to discover his [...]
Proxy Blade Zero is a beat them all with technical combat. You will have to think fast to defeat the different enemies you will encounter. Parrying, using your boost and being creative with your combos are essential tools to your survival. Mastering Proxy [...]
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare envisions the powerful battlegrounds of the future, where both technology and tactic have evolved to usher in a new era of combat for the franchise. Delivering a stunning performance, Academy Award® winning actor Kevin [...]