The game takes place during a third war between Earth and an alien terrorist organization called the Geathjerk Federation that has invaded the planet. The only hope for humanity is the Wonderful Ones, a group of superheroes working for the CENTINELS [...]
Struck with amnesia, Conrad B. Hart a young scientist, future member of the Bureau of Galactic Investigation, wakes up in the heart of a hostile jungle. He finds a holocube which fell from his pocket. It contains a recorded message from himself, telling [...]
The post-apocalyptic dark comedy is back - remastered and even more radioactive than before! Scavenge supplies, rescue your family, and stay alive in your fallout shelter. Make difficult decisions, hunt mutant roaches... and maybe survive. Or not.
Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled is a kart racing game developed by Beenox and published by Activision. It is a remaster of Crash Team Racing, which was originally developed by Naughty Dog for the PlayStation. Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled
Romancing SaGa 3 ## Description Every 300 years the Death Eclipse kills all newly born creatures. Men, women, and children, animals and plants, even ferocious monsters – no one can survive the devastation caused by the Eclipse. No one except a child [...]
Onechanbara ORIGIN Onechanbara Origin is a Miscellaneous game, published by D3Publisher, scheduled to be released in Japan in 2019. Franchise: Onechanbara
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered Edition Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Remastered Edition is a Role-Playing game, developed and published by Square Enix, scheduled to be released in 2019. Franchise: Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles