Prince of Persia takes place in an undefined ancient Persian city-state based heavily around the religion of Zoroastrianism. A thousand years before the events of the game take place, there was a struggle for power between the gods Ahriman and Ormazd. The [...]
2050. Fossil fuels such as oil is being depleted, and a disturbing atmosphere hangs over the world. Under such circumstances, the European Asia Commonwealth and the Pacific Rim United States, the two super powers of the world, rushed into the lunar [...]
"The road to becoming a car battler is not an easy one.
Nobody knows why your dad, champion car battler Jim Todoroki, suddenly abandoned the fastest and most popular sport in Galacia. There is a rumor going around that he's riding around with the most [...]
Shadow Tower is a first-person view action role-playing game developed by From Software and released in 1998. It shares many similarities with the King’s Field series of games.
Elysion, though a fairly traditional 8-bit JRPG in many respects (the first thing the player does is talk to the local King for exposition, for example), draws its influences from a lot of very different games within the RPG family: It superficially [...]