"After decades of peace, the Earth was decimated by an invasion from an alien race known to humans as E.B.E. The E.B.E. moved across the planet like a plague of locusts, consuming anything in their path and wiping out most of humanity. All attempts to [...]
The single player campaign progresses through the first three years of the A.G.R.C. (Anti-Gravity Racing Championships): 2048, 2049, and 2050. All events have pass and elite pass targets. Unless the elite pass criteria is met unknowingly, it will only be [...]
Centuries have passed since the catastrophic war that almost cost the human race its complete annihilation at the hands of the deranged commander of the DonPachi Corps, a military squad of starfighter pilots known for their combat prowess and emotional [...]
µTanks, also known as uTanks or Microtanks is a free-to-play online tank battle game featuring massive-scale multiplayer battles and fast-paced turn-based strategy.
Picross 3D is the sequel to the popular Picross DS puzzle game. The original game was a number-based grid puzzle that challenged players to reveal a hidden picture. Picross 3D moves the action into three dimensions. Picross 3D blends the logical challenge [...]
Master Jin Jin IQ Challenge is yet another Brain Age inspired game. The different activities and puzzles are made to increase the player’s reasoning, endurance, analysis, intuition, and observation skills.