Primal tells the story of Jennifer Tate, a 21-year-old woman searching for her boyfriend through a series of demonic realms. As the story develops, more is revealed about Jen’s past and her relationship with her boyfriend, as well as the nature of [...]
Operation Stealth, also known as James Bond 007: The Stealth Affair in the United States, is an adventure game from Delphine Software International, released in 1990. The game is mainly the work of Paul Cuisset (programming) and Jean Baudlot (sound). The [...]
As the last descendant in the “Line of Kings”, Prince Erik is summoned home to regain his rightful place on his father’s throne. But alas, Prince Erik is accused of his father’s murder by the evil Royal Advisor Belezaar, and is [...]
Game made by King, you lauch a “pear” with a cannon, which bounces and collects the different items and points of the screen. In every level, the objectives to acomplish are different.
What a pity about your automobile. And your sister, she came to our mansion for help. But now, I’m afraid she desperately needs yours! Welcome to our humble abode… I regret you’ll have to carry on your search alone. It seems we’re [...]
Adibou et les saisons magiques ## Description _Adibou et les saisons magiques_ (Adibou and the magical seasons) is a party game for kids. Adibou invites players to discover the magic of the seasons in the garden, the greenhouse and the vegetable plot of [...]
A Japan-exclusive Battle Network game that serves as a NetNavi simulator. Rockman.EXE 4.5 is a spin-off of the Mega Man Battle Network series. It is a simulation game where NetNavis are controlled by the AI, with the players “slotting-in” [...]
Set during the 1920’s, Adam’s Venture delivers a unique combination of action oriented gameplay with classic puzzle solving, that takes you on an epic journey to the middle East to discover the legendary Lost Garden of Eden – but an ancient evil tries to [...]