One dark moonlit night, a young boy named Kutaro was carried away by the maleficent Moon Bear King to a black castle where the unlucky lad was transformed into a puppet. Kutaro displeased the terrible tyrant, who devoured the boy’s wooden head and [...]
Taito’s answer to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles arcade game starring color-coded puppet ninja kids. Fight your way through the forces of a cult determined to resurrect The Satan!
The demented serial killer Jigsaw returns with more gruesome torture puzzles designed to test the limits of human ethics in Saw II: Flesh & Blood. Set between the second and third Saw films, Flesh & Blood puts players in the shoes of Michael, [...]
Jack in the Dark is a spin-off game made during Alone in the Dark 2’s development. It was used as a promotional game, distributed at Christmas 1993. The game was on a single floppy disk in a golden wrap featuring a Jack-in-the-box illustration on [...]