多大な人気を誇るオンラインシューター『PLAYERUNKNOWN’S BATTLEGROUNDS』(以下、『PUBG』)のデベロッパーであるPUBG Corpは、『PUBG』と似通った2本のモバイルゲームを制作した中国のパブリッシャーNetEaseを著作権侵害で訴えた。 Ars Technicaが報じているように、PUBG Corpは北カリフォルニア連邦地方裁判所でNetEaseを提訴しており、対象タイトルはモバイルゲームの『Rules of [...]
First seconds of the gameplay are crucial – get an assault rifle… Surviving till the very end of a match, as one of the top ten players (not to mention winning the entire match as the last man standing) is the main objective. The longer you [...]
PLAYERUNKNOWN, aka Brendan Greene, is a pioneer of the battle royale genre and the creator of the battle royale game modes in the ARMA series and H1Z1: King of the Kill. At PUBG Corp., Greene is working with a veteran team of developers to make PUBG into [...]
Following yesterday’s PC update to Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds, the developer today addressed a number of specific issues in the Xbox Oneversion of the game. On the game’s official forums, a community coordinator noted that the team is [...]