This direct sequel to “Arc the Lad” continues the unfinished story of the first game, but starts from a totally different perspective. You control a bounty-hunter named Elk, who suffers from amnesia. On his quest for his own true identity he [...]
An entry in the Crazy Climber series where the player may choose between one of three characters to try and navigate their way to the top of a building.
The Legacy Comes Alive… The 2D whip-wielding action game Castlevania returns to PlayStation® game console with a classic version never before seen in America. Count Dracula has been resurrected to begin a new reign of terror across the land. As [...]
R-Type Delta is a horizontally scrolling shooter video game. Released only on the PlayStation, this is the fourth game in the R-Type series (hence Delta, the fourth letter of the Greek alphabet), and also the first game offering different fighters, with [...]
Arc the Lad is a tactical role-playing video game developed by G-Craft for the PlayStation and is the first game in the Arc the Lad series. It was released in 1995 in Japan, and released in North America on April 18, 2002, as part of Arc the Lad [...]
Part of the Asuka 120% franchise of fighting games, “Final” adds minor changes to the original game, adding a “down” gauge and a new cast of voice actors.