An adventure game created by Yuji Horii and published by Enix in 1983. Revolving around a murder mystery, the game set the template for the visual novel genre. It was also the first open-world adventure game, and the first immersive sim.
Hi no Tori: Gaou no Bouken (or Phoenix: Gaou’s Adventure) is a Japan-only platformer developed for the NES by Konami. Its setting is derived from an Osamu Tezuka manga.
This game has the player travel through five time periods, rescuing stranded fellow pilots. The player must fight off droves of enemy craft while picking up parachuting friendly pilots. Once 56 enemy craft are defeated, initially 25 on the MSX platform [...]
Scram Kitty and his Buddy on Rails is a frenetic action platform game with unique controls and a striking visual style. An experiment has gone horribly wrong, and the Council of Great Scientists has been overrun by the intelligent, power-crazed lab rats [...]
The Doom Squad is a group of fighters under the control of an evil wizard. They threaten earth and bring destruction. One of the Doom Squad members betrays his group and becomes the Doomsday Warrior. This warrior must then defeat the other members of the [...]
The object of Bosconian is to score as many points as possible by destroying enemy bases and ships. The player controls a small fighter ship that can move in eight directions and can fire both forward and backward. Each level consists of a number of green [...]