The latest Dragon Ball game lets players customize & develop their own warrior. Create the perfect character, train to learn new skills & help Trunks fight new enemies to restore the original story of the series. Join 200+ players around the [...]
Get Arcade Archives MAT MANIA EXCITING HOUR, Action game for PS4 console from the official PlayStation website. Explore Arcade Archives MAT MANIA EXCITING HOUR game detail, demo, images, videos, reviews.
Own the Child of Light Ultimate Edition with the full game plus seven add-on content packs. Identified as the Child of Light and granted the power of flight, Aurora takes on the minions of Lemuria’s Dark Queen to recover the sun, the moon, and the stars. [...]
Sony is offering up to 80% off on more than 130 PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, and PlayStation Vita games this Easter weekend, along with many hit movies. For PS4, you can score the complete BioShock series for $29.99 USD. BioShock: The Collection features [...]
人類遙遠的未來——是一個充斥著機械生物的時代。地球在經過一場末日大災難近千年後,人類幾近滅絕,整個世界完全被機械生物主宰。人類原本擁有的高科技文明徹底崩壞,苟延殘喘地過上了類似古文明的原始部族生活。《Horizon Zero Dawn》這款於PS4平台上推出的開放世界RPG遊戲中,玩家扮演一位身手不凡的女獵人亞蘿伊,將要在這個天候、地形變化多端的開放世界中進行冒險,打破族群社會裡長年的禁忌,探索為何世界會被機械生物統治的千年謎團。答案將會是改變整個星球,甚至人類本身的命運。 [...]