An adventure game created by Yuji Horii and published by Enix in 1983. Revolving around a murder mystery, the game set the template for the visual novel genre. It was also the first open-world adventure game, and the first immersive sim.
An early role-playing shooter released by Arsys Software for the PC-88, PC-98 and FM-7 computers in 1986 and ported to MS-DOS by Brøderbund. An early RPG-shooter hybrid, it was one of the first computer games with polygonal 3D environments, along with [...]
Legend of Star Arthur I: Planet Mephius, published by T&E Soft for the FM-7 in 1983, was one of the earliest adventure games to use a command menu system, the first with a point & click interface, and one of the earliest episodic games. The 1985 [...]
Action racing game created by TechnoSoft and released in 1984, initially for the PC-88 and then other Japanese computer platforms. It was the first home video game with 3D polygon graphics.