Magnacarta 2 introduces an original new storyline driven by intense themes of love, hate, politics, betrayal and the ultimate question of choosing one’s own fate. Players are immersed in the world of the Lanzheim Continent, a conflict-ridden land deeply [...]
Dragons: A Challenge in Chivalry ## Description Long ago in a far away land, the Princes Gwen was captured and imprisoned in a castle. Your goal is to rescue her! The gameplay of Dragons is similar to a sideways version of Breakout. The good sorcerer [...]
Shrek and friends are back in an all-new adventure in Shrek 2: Beg For Mercy! on Game Boy Advance. This action-oriented game features the acrobatics and swordplay of Puss in Boots. Additionally, Shrek 2: Beg for Mercy! allows players to control some of [...]