In Police Chase thrilling missions, powerful cars and fighting crime will be your routine! Whether it’s issuing offenders with parking and speeding tickets or thwarting terrorist plots and other crimes — only one thing counts in your job: Guarantee safety [...]
Black Rims Wanted offers an addictive and challenging gameplay with unique retro style graphics where you have to survive waves of increasingly deadly law enforcement as you drive your getaway vehicle from a bank heist. The unique black and white art [...]
The game begins in the film’s final scene, with Tony Montana’s (Andre Sogliuzzo) mansion being raided by Alejandro Sosa’s assassins. But this is the point of divergence from the film. Instead of being killed by the Skull, Tony manages to [...]
You can play as a rookie cop battling five different gangs spread throughout Capital City in Pursuit Force. The game features 30 cases for you to close, using 55 different vehicles and 25 types of weapons. Each gang has a unique boss and lieutenant with [...]