EarthBound Beginnings, originally titled as EARTH BOUND in North America, is the first installment in the Mother series. It was developed by Ape Inc., Nintendo Tokyo R&D Products, and Pax Softnica, and was published by Nintendo for the Famicom on [...]
Tokimeki Memorial is the first in the long-running series of dating sims by Konami which started life on the PC Engine. Released in 1994, it boosted the popularity of the dating sim genre in Japan immensely.
Inspired by I Wanna Be The Guy, I Wanna Be The Boshy is a “trapformer” in which a single player controls a yellow warning sign toting a pistol, whose goal is to become the “Boshy”. To get there, our intrepid hero must survive an [...]
The aim of the game was simple yet unique. Starting with three divers (lives) on a motor boat you were to drop into the deep blue and gather underwater riches such as pearls and treasure. Nothing like this had been released on the ZX Spectrum before, a [...]