"In the 24th century, humanity is at war with a hostile alien race. Outnumbered a million to one, mankind’s only hope of survival is the J.U.M.P. Corps. Its mission is to fight the alien menace hive by hive and planet by planet."
"Jim Hawkins, the world-renowned archaeologist, has gone missing while exploring the frozen reaches of Antarctica.
Before his disappearance, he entrusted his daughter Tina with a map to the long forgotten ruins of Ukampa Temple in South America, along [...]
"You are a nomadic slugcat, both predator and prey in a broken ecosystem. Intense, bone-crushing rains pound the surface and make life almost impossible for most of the year, but the dry season has just arrived. Grab your spear and brave the industrial [...]
"In a small corner of the world, Kaho, a priestess sets off on a journey to save the land. A ghastly curse is swallowing the land and blending the world of the living with the world of the dead. Travels eastward in search of answers and hopes to stop the [...]
Kero Blaster is a platform video game created by Daisuke “Pixel” Amaya. It was released in 2014 for PC and iOS and is the first major project of Pixel since Cave Story in 2004. The game lays a heavy emphasis on shooting and got positive [...]
""Something's wrong in the Library".
Liz's temple and safe place is threatened by the unknown, by ghosts from her own darkest dreams. She must go investigate. She's the Librarian, after all."
A crazy goat on the way to the goal. Nobody knows why but the goat is running and running. Anyway - the goat needs help and you might be the right type of person to help out.
The world is over.
But it’s not quite over for you… at least, not yet. And now that you’ve acquired thousands of tonnes of locomotive, ready at your disposal, ready to take you as far down the tracks as you have fuel to feed it — you’ve got the definite [...]