In the fictional chronology of the Metroid series, Other M is set between the events of Super Metroid and Metroid Fusion. The story follows bounty hunter Samus Aran, who investigates a derelict space station along with a Galactic Federation platoon, which [...]
Humanity has expanded throughout the galaxy after the discovery of the miraculous element 126. With more of the new element found near the galactic core, the outer worlds, including Earth, have become neglected backwaters. However the galaxy is now in [...]
This unreleased entry to the Castlevania saga featured 3D graphics and the ability to play as either Victor or Sonia Belmont in a quest to vanquish a countess who sought to bring count Dracula back from the dead once again.
Animaniacs is a side-scrolling action/puzzle game based on the animated TV series of the same name. The Warner kids, Yakko, Wakko, and Dot have escaped the water tower again and are on a quest to retrieve movie memorabilia from the Warner Bros. studio [...]