Trip the Ark Fantastic is a 2D story-driven adventure set in the Animal Kingdom, a fable world filled with alluring vistas, colorful characters and, unexpectedly, scholarly debates. You are Charles, a hedgehog scholar with a mission. You and your [...]
When you cut into the present, the future leaks out. We’re not fighting for a scrap of immortality, we want the whole tamale. We built it with our brains and our hands. We paid for it with our blood and our lives. It’s ours and we’re going to take it. [...]
## Description _The Company of Myself_ is a Flash-based puzzle-platformer. Levels consist of attempting to reach a green door by walking, jumping, and using a limited restart technique reminiscent of one of the time manipulation mechanics used in Braid, [...]
A very small notgame about Freedom Bridge, in Korea. Takes about two minutes to play through. In 2011 Freedom Bridge was showcased by Extra Credits as one of twenty-seven “most interesting games of recent years that you might not have tried (or [...]
The main character is called Ewan. He is wandering about mysterious places trying to find a way out. Hallucinations? A trap of mind? Life in the balance? Haunted by his own fears, the main character has to make sense of it all and find a way out. Passing [...]
The Old City: Leviathan is an experiment in first person exploration that focuses entirely on story. Everything else is secondary. All that exists is you and the world. Set in a decaying city from a civilization long past, The Old City: Leviathan puts the [...]