"For centuries, the Olympian gods have ruled the Cosmos with harmony and prosperity, after overthrowing the reign of the Titans, an older race of spiteful deities. While the Olympians hold court and control the fate of mortals, the Titans fester in their [...]
With your brilliant robe and magic powers, it’s time to build some Tricky Towers! Tricky Towers is a multiplayer physics-based tower building game. In a game of Tricky Towers you stack your bricks to create a stable tower and try to topple those of [...]
The game is loosely based on Norse mythology, where players assume the role of a valkyrie who recruits and prepares the souls of fallen warriors (Einherjar) before sending them to Valhalla for a final apocalyptic battle between the Æsir and Vanir: [...]
Mario Super Sluggers, the sequel to Mario Superstar Baseball, continues the arcade-style gameplay of Mario sports games. Mario and friends are invited to the Baseball Kingdom to play games against each other. When Bowser hears this, he immediately [...]
Tokyo is in full lockdown, the government’s swift, coldblooded response to a surprise demon invasion. Trapped within the sprawling metropolis is the city’s helpless populace, forced to turn on each other in order to survive. A mysterious piece [...]
Master Higgins is back in his wildest and greatest adventure of all! His girlfriend, Jeannie Jungle, has been turned to stone by the evil Dark Cloak. Now he must leap into action to defeat the scores of guardian animals and monsters that protect the [...]
Back to Stone follows the adventure of the unwitting subject of horrible magical experiments. Following the conquest of his world by a race of demons, the hero became a guinea pig for the demons. Now a hybrid, half demon, half human; in exchange he has [...]