he Good:Atmospheric soundscape and graphic design; innovative inclusion of blind main character; cool in-game gadgets. The Bad:Innumerable plot holes; frustrating, nonsensical gameplay; uninspiring horror value. It is not often in games that you play a [...]
Хорроры издавна предпочитали ясному и зримому – недоступное взгляду и загадочное. Мрачные закутки, подернутые дымкой кладбища, звуки чужого дыхания за спиной. Традицию эту переняли игры: тут и вечно туманный Сайлент Хилл, и сводящие своим видом с ума [...]
A game with a blind protagonist that’s all about the visuals. Developer: The Deep End Games Publisher: Feardemic Format: PC, PS4 (reviewed), Xbox One Released: May 30 (PC) & June 6 (console), 2017 Copy provided by publisher In a world where you can [...]
Perception (PC [reviewed], PS4, Xbox One) Developer: The Deep End Games Publisher: Feardemic Released: May 30, 2017 MSRP: TBD In Perception, players assume the role of Cassie, a blind woman who abruptly decides to go investigate a mansion she sees in her [...]