An adventure game created by Yuji Horii and published by Enix in 1983. Revolving around a murder mystery, the game set the template for the visual novel genre. It was also the first open-world adventure game, and the first immersive sim.
Two of gaming’s all-time classics are reborn on DS. Stories tell of a land of yore, now shrouded by centuries of time forgotten, called Ys. Despite its great knowledge, endless wealth, and bountiful prosperity, a sudden and unexpected cataclysm [...]
As a Silencer, one of the elite enforcers of the World Economic Consortium, you’re supposed to be incorruptible. But if the system you serve is utterly corrupt, where does that leave you? You go over to the Resistance, the same pack you used to hunt [...]
An RPG originally in the works for the Playstation Portable to be released in 2007, but has since been presumed on hold, or even canceled, since no more information has been revealed.
You obtained the Book of Truth, which is needed to break the curse on the princess. As you return to the king, you find that the princess is missing. Three days prior, a wizard appeared and informed the king that there was another way to save the [...]
The Witcher: Rise of the White Wolf was an enhanced and expanded port of the 2007 PC only game The Witcher. Developed by Widescreen Games, the game was to have a new engine and a wealth of other differences. It has since been cancelled.
The official expansion pack to F.E.A.R. 2, the Reborn pack immerses gamers in the chaos of Alma’s aftermath in an entirely new role: that of Replica Soldier Foxtrot 813. Gamers begin the mission as part of an orbital Powered Armor drop to reinforce their [...]