"10 years ago, a colossal earthquake devastated Tokyo and changed the lives of its inhabitants forever. The city has since been rebuilt and life has slowly returned to a semblance of normalcy. However, behind the veil of this newly rebuilt metropolis lies [...]
The game is set within modern day Tokyo, Japan, alongside a world on another planet, called “Protolexa.” There are a dozen young protagonists, all of whom are evil, soul-collecting gods who have become embroiled in the issues of all gods. The main focus [...]
Flyff (short for Fly for Fun) is a fantasy MMORPG by Korean development company Gala Lab (formerly Aeonsoft & nFlavor). Flyff is a fairly typical party-oriented grinding game where no character can do everything; efficient play requires working in [...]
Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance is a tactical role-playing video game in the Disgaea series of games. The evil demon emperor Void Dark devastates numerous Netherworlds after coming to power, with the help of an army of over one million soldiers known as [...]
The second game in the Exile triology by Spiderweb Software. You first fought to survive in the pit, and now your party is fighting to keep it. The Empire believes Exile has become too powerful, and is sending troops below to destroy it.
Criminal Girls is a Japanese role-playing game and the first game in the Criminal Girls series. The player takes the role of a warden in hell who has been assigned to a group of female criminals and must make a four member party consisting of them. The [...]
Guide your clan over multiple generations on an epic quest to lift a curse against your bloodline, battling cruel enemies and spectacular bosses in this turn-based RPG set in ancient Japan.