The basic storyline centers around the world of "GemStone", where science and magic coexist. Twelve precious gems are stolen, each one coming into the possession of a person with high magic powers. These people dominate the world. Each of the game's [...]
Wii Play collects nine quick and addictive games that are easy to pick up and play and hard to put away. Thanks to the intuitive controls of the Wii Remote, even the most inexperienced gamers will have no trouble mastering the controls.
From gameplay to visuals to music and imagination, BIT.TRIP BEAT is inspired by classic games in every way. Get sucked into a whole new world of sight and sound as you juggle beats and ride the vibe in this modern look at the beginning of it all. BIT.
It is the sequel to Gee Bee, which was released in the previous year. This was a two-player ball and paddle game, which also featured a pinball simulation. A total of 284 cabinets were produced under this name.