Marble Cooking ## Description Marble, the young and innocent apprentice of magic, has always been curious about one of her master’s possessions, the magic “Wand of Wishes”. One day the curious girl uses the wand; as a result, an evil [...]
FULL HOUSE FRANCINE POKER PENNY DOUBLE DEALING DEBBIE Relax while you step into a world of game and women. The poker gremlin will help you find satisfaction from a game of cards. Carefully make your calls, for they determine everything you can possibly imagine.
Sengoku Rance picks up where Rance 6 left off. Rance, after saving the nation of Zeth from destruction, ran away so he wouldn't have to marry the princess. He and Sill ended up in JAPAN for a hotspring trip, upsetting the power balance of JAPAN, and [...]
Hundreds of years ago, the ruler of Transylvania, a man by the name of Monte Carlo, was sealed away by the soul of a lone sacrifice. However, that seal has, over the centuries, begun to weaken, and recently a great number of monsters have started to [...]