Spend your money wisely to buy great signs and cool effects to help Jay put Filthy Burger out of business. Each sign and effect is worth a certain number of burger sales. Select the best signs and effects to sell as many burgers as possible in 7 [...]
The player takes over the control of both Wallace and Gromit but the player can't switch between both freely. Instead the story dictates which character is controllable. This time around the focus is on Gromit. Only for short section near the end the [...]
Dragon Tales: Learn & Fly With Dragons ## Description ” I wish, I wish, with all my heart to fly with dragons in a land apart” – Emmy and Max, from the Dragon Tales show Cassie, a young dragon from Dragon Land, has volunteered to [...]
Summer Lesson is an upcoming virtual reality experience for the Playstation VR (formerly known as Project Morpheus). The game is about tutoring two girls, one to speak English and the other to speak Japanese. The girls can be interacted with by looking at [...]