Sindbad Mystery is an arcade game developed by Sega for Sega G80 (raster) hardware in 1983. It was ported to the SG-1000 in the same year. It follows a boy named Sindbad who must avoid monsters while piecing together a treasure map, similar to Pac-Man. He [...]
When a hostage crisis erupts in the centre of Clappers Wreake, only one man has the diplomatic finesse to defuse a simmering situation before it boils over into a stew of butchery and bloodshed: Detective Inspector Hector. He’s all they’ve got. Literally. [...]
"Growing up as a second class citizen on a back-water planet, Yuri dreamed of being able to travel the stars. After many years he saved up enough credits to buy transport off the planet, but space travel is forbidden to second class citizens, and he is [...]
The player takes over the control of both Wallace and Gromit but the player can't switch between both freely. Instead the story dictates which character is controllable. This time around the focus is on Gromit. Only for short section near the end the [...]
Originally released for the Apple IIgs, Keef the Thief is a unique parody role-playing game about a young thief. The game and puzzles are quite absurd, but strangely addictive. Some inside scoop from developer Naughty Dog’s website: “Keef was [...]