Dragon Ball Z Sagas is a game that tells how the story of Dragon Ball Z began. You play as six heroes from the show such as Goku, Gohan, and Piccolo. Your mission is to recreate the elements of the Saiyan-Cell Games Sagas. Along the way you must face evil [...]
Play the next generation of the classic game, controlling the most destructive power of the seas with a finger touch. Easy to learn, hard to mastery Ships N’ Battles is a easy game to learn, but with all the bonus combinations and strategy, [...]
A spin-off of the Super Butoden series for the Sega Saturn, featuring the roster and character graphics from the earlier PlayStation spin-off and gameplay more in-line with the original trilogy.
The second installment of the Super Butoden series focuses on the battles during (and shortly after) the “Cell Saga” arc of the Dragon Ball series. It is one of the few games in the series to focus on stories from the series’s animated films.