Set in 1898 in Aberystwyth, Wales, the game follows the mysterious occurrences surrounding Nemeton Monastery and the three protagonists who, by chance, are forced to investigate its dark history. The plot is split up into several storylines that all [...]
This game is an innovative slant on the interactive movie. You’re Eric Fox, a psychic detective who can transmit his psychic self to others, to see through their eyes and hear through their ears. That way you can find out things about the case you [...]
The game follows a trio of space marines who fought in an interstellar war: Casey (the player character), Ari (Tia Carrere) and Zack (Christian Bocher). The game opens, and the story begins, just as Casey has been brought back to life by his partners. [...]
Jack Fremont was planning to enjoy his day doing the things he loved — reading comics, ignoring the eviction notices, and heading down to the bar to play ’70s television trivia. That was until CIA agents kidnapped him. As it turns out, [...]