Sam and Max, the Freelance Police, are two comic book characters created by Steve Purcell, who act as private detectives and vigilantes. Sam & Max Hit the Road follows the pair on a case that takes them from their office in New York City across the United [...]
Pac-Man Fever is a 1982 concept album recorded by Buckner & Garcia. It is also the name of the first song on that album. Each song on the album is about a different classic arcade game, and uses sound effects from that game. The album was released as [...]
Kinect Rush: A Disney Pixar Adventure is a motion-controlled action game that features the characters and settings from five of the studio’s computer-animated feature films. Younger players take the roles of favorite characters such as Buzz [...]
Play exciting new and innovative games from around the globe! Each continent has its own fun and challenging games that are guaranteed to be a blast for the whole family! Curl with seals in Antarctica, race up the Eiffel Tower in France, dance for rain [...]
Mario and the gang are back for another round of Bowser-bashin’ party action! Watch as your favorite Nintendo characters don different duds for each of the five all-new Adventure Boards! A slew of new tricks and devices bring new levels of challenge [...]
This game is based on classic Atari shoot-’em-up Demon Attack. This is a sequel of Mutant Space Bats of Doom and have 66 stages, arrenged in some sort of pattern and includes extra items what increase your power fire. The enemies are fly space [...]
is an exercise game consisting of activities using the Wii Balance Board peripheral. The game uses a unique platform peripheral called the Wii Balance Board, on which the player stands during exercise. The game features yoga, strength training, aerobics, [...]