It’s 2156, and the world has been destroyed by both nuclear and bio-chemical means. Your story takes place in one of the few habitable places left in the world, the Grand Canyon. As a clone with an uncertain past, your job is survival in a world now built [...]
Jumpgate: The Reconstruction Initiative is a space combat MMO in which players pilot spacecraft. Players accumulate wealth through mining, trade, and combat. Funds are used to purchase upgrades for their craft. The game divides space into sectors [...]
Groove along to the beats of the hammer falls, tapping your Nintendo 3DS Touch Screen to the rhythm in order to forge your shop’s weapons. The higher your CHAIN, the stronger and sharper the weapon will turn out. Any blacksmith worth his steel also [...]
Ancient Trader is a strategy game where players sail the high seas for trade and treasure, battling rival ships and ancient sea monsters along the way.
In Dungeon Dice monsters, there is a tiled board of 13 x 19 tiles (13 tiles wide) on which play is conducted. On either end of the board sits a “Monster Lord” (on the 7th tile from each side on the row closest to the players) representing [...]
A monstrous great white shark is terrorizing the beaches of Amity Island. A grim discovery confirms the worst- he’s out there and he’s hungry. In a bid to save the Island’s failing tourist trade, Mayor Vaughn engages a professional shark [...]