Hokuto no Ken – Violence Gekiga Adventure is a graphic adventure game that was released for Japanese home computers by Enix on May 1986, making it the very first video game based on the Hokuto no Ken franchise. It was released for the NEC PC-8801, [...]
In the dead of space, something is alive. A deep space adventure by Sean Clark in collaboration with filmmaker Steven Spielberg. You’ve saved the Earth from Total Destruction. Now, Can you save yourself? An asteroid the size of a small moon is on a [...]
Manual Samuel is about the rich daddy’s boy Samuel, who hasn’t worked a day in his life. After an unfortunate encounter with a septic tank truck and Death, Sam is forced to live manually for 24 hours to be able to go on with his life. Breathe, blink, walk [...]
The Crazy Castle series is an action-puzzle game series created by Kemco and released on the Famicom Disk System, NES, Game Boy, Game Boy Color and Game Boy Advance. It stars different popular cartoon characters, most notably the Warner Bros. cartoon [...]