Forged from an ancient tale of Celtic mythology. An action-adventure set in a future Ireland devastated by technomagical war and economic collapse, humanity clings on by using the remnants of technology that survive. When their ancient spring of life [...]
Message Quest is a tiny stained-glass point-n-click adventure about laziness and her herald. Imagine yourself as the main hero’s conscience, the one that must make him work when all he wants to do is sleep. Message Quest is a tiny stained-glass [...]
Meet Lemuel Barnabas. He is not a protagonist in our story, but just look at him – he’s scrappy and funny, talks to himself, likes music and long walks behind the bar. In a word – he is quite mad, but as mad as he is, he’s the one you come to [...]
Separation Anxiety is a side scrolling beat’em up game, featuring characters and stories taken from the Spiderman comics. The story is loosely based on a mini series of comics about Venom. In this game, the player(s) gets to choose between [...]
Help Charlie getting out of his own nightmares! Clash of Puppets is a 3D hack’n’slash platformer, featuring classic b-movie style settings and characters. Adventure through 3 worlds of frantic fightings and puzzles to solve. Use tons of devastating [...]
Based on the Portal-inspired Flash game called Shift, Shifting World on 3DS features the same basic premise but with added features and expanded content. Shifting World has players guiding a man who has been forcibly transported into another dimension. To [...]
In the game you control Beetlejuice through various side-scrolling and overhead view levels in an effort to scare the yuppie Deetz family and friends that have taken over the house. You stomp on cockroaches in order to gain points that you used to buy [...]