Kingsway is the #1 operating system for daily tasks such as skeleton smashing and loot-organizing. Trouble sorting through all your potions and swords? Don’t worry! Kingsway can help you manage, and with an easy to use interface you’ll have [...]
Primal tells the story of Jennifer Tate, a 21-year-old woman searching for her boyfriend through a series of demonic realms. As the story develops, more is revealed about Jen’s past and her relationship with her boyfriend, as well as the nature of [...]
Witches (working title) is a game developed for PS3, PC and 360 by Revistronic. It currently has no developer and the game is set to be in a fictional medieval universe.
A completely accurate translation of the popular Fullmetal Alchemist trading card series by Press Pass, Inc (formerly JoyRide Entertainment), the Fullmetal Alchemist Trading Card Game brings the collectible strategy game to the Nintendo DS with nearly 500 [...]