The game follows the story of a man named Jack Carver. Carver is a former service member of the United States Navy, who was dishonorably discharged following a number of illegal actions. Afterwards, he sets up a shop in Manhattan and begins supplying [...]
Nitemare 3D (N3D) is a first-person shooter PC game with a horror theme, released by Gray Design Associates in 1994 for MS-DOS and Windows 3.1x platforms. It consisted of three episodes with ten levels in each episode, with the first episode being was [...]
A young boy is trapped in molecular limbo. He needs your help to return to his human form. Morris Rolph (Morph to his friends) has his life transformed when his uncle’s experimental teleport machine goes horribly wrong! Trapped in a world of [...]
For the first time ever, a true collaboration of popular Nickelodeon heroes and villains come together and cross over into multiple Nickelodeon cartoon environments, interacting with each other and working together to solve puzzles in this ultimate Nick [...]
FranknJohn is a horror inspired action roguelike, where your head is your weapon! Battle your way through randomly generated environments and fight the demented creations from your creator Dr. Harmin. You must defeat Dr. Harmin and escape his domain.
When student and part-time street performer Samantha Everett shows up at his doorstep, she unexpectedly becomes his assistant. Hailing from America, she has been travelling through most of Europe the last couple years. Her first task: finding six test [...]