Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem is a psychological horror action adventure, released in 2002 by Nintendo for the Gamecube. It tells the stories of twelve characters that span across the world and two millennia who have to deal with ancient forces [...]
Daniel explores the castle of Brennenburg. As he does, he occasionally finds a fleshy substance growing on the walls and doors, a sign of the "nightmare" getting closer and closer. Through the diary entries from Daniel's journal, scattered around the [...]
That the influence of the old house was unwholesome, he could not deny; but traces of his early morbid interest still held him there. He argued that the fever alone was responsible for his nightly phantasies, and that when the touch abated he would be [...]
Something terrible has begun to awaken within our museum… a something unsatisfied with mere exhibition or human study, writhing with ancient evil and terrible purpose. An entity that must, at all costs, be prevented access to our world. From my studies, I [...]
TRIHAYWBFRFYH ## Description _TRIHAYWBFRFYH_ is a short experimental game based on the theme of loneliness in the works of H. P. Lovecraft. Set in a misty setting with fields, hills and forests, the protagonist experiences the last 20 minutes before [...]
Gibbous - A Cthulhu Adventure (PC, Mac, Linux) is a comedy point 'n click love letter to classic-era Lucas adventures, HP Lovecraft, Hitchcock and many, many others. A lighthearted spoof of the Cthulhu Mythos, Gibbous will have you controlling 3 [...]
Amid an atmosphere of suspense and intrigue you’ll launch your voyage in the icy cold wastelands of the Antarctic aboard a Royal Navy submarine – the H.M.S. Victoria. As an American agent of the Office of Naval Intelligence, your mission is to [...]
The Princess of the Flower Kingdom has vanished! She was taken by the Ghulibas of the north, and it is up to brave Zee Tee to rescue her. On his quest, he – and you – will discover the hidden lands behind the peaceful kingdom, and come face to [...]