This direct sequel to “Arc the Lad” continues the unfinished story of the first game, but starts from a totally different perspective. You control a bounty-hunter named Elk, who suffers from amnesia. On his quest for his own true identity he [...]
Two of gaming’s all-time classics are reborn on DS. Stories tell of a land of yore, now shrouded by centuries of time forgotten, called Ys. Despite its great knowledge, endless wealth, and bountiful prosperity, a sudden and unexpected cataclysm [...]
In one-player mode there are 34 levels, accessed via passwords, 3 lives, and lots of powerup weapons. If one player completes the level, both advance to the next one (like Lotus 2, funnily enough. I guess I ought to think of a similarity to Lotus 3, just [...]
Inuyasha: The Secret of the Cursed Mask is based on an anime series of the same name. You can play either as a teenager boy or a teenager girl, named by the player. The two scenarios are very similar and basically follow the same story: you live in [...]